Introduction to University of the Arts London (UAL) for International Students

Find out more about colleges and degree programmes at University of the Arts London (UAL). This webinar is a chance to get up-to-date information and application advice for 2023 entry and beyond. This session will be hosted by an international recruitment officer and will conclude with an interactive Q&A session. To register, please click on the image.

World Class Study in London (WCSiL) – Imperial, King’s and UCL : MEDICINE Q&A webinar

The first part of this live event will be a Q & A session with a Medicine academic from each institution. They will each provide a brief overview of Medicine at their institution and then it's over to you for your questions.

This will be followed by a similar session featuring current students at our institutions to enable you to learn more about their learning experience, student life and some of the benefits of studying in London and more. To register to this event, please click on the image.

World Class Study in London (WCSiL) – Imperial, King’s and UCL : LAW Q&A webinar

The first part of this live event will be a Q & A session with a Medicine academic from each institution. They will each provide a brief overview of Medicine at their institution and then it's over to you for your questions.

This will be followed by a similar session featuring current students at our institutions to enable you to learn more about their learning experience, student life and some of the benefits of studying in London and more. To register to this event, please click on the image.

University of Sydney: Online information session

Learn about the University's courses, scholarships, student support services and more. Explore your area of interest, visit the information booths, and speak to faculty staff. Hear what it's like studying and living in Sydney. To register, please click on this image.

15 of the 15th: Virtual College Fair with 15 US Liberal Arts colleges

Designed for international prospective students and counsellors, the goal of 15 on the 15th is to provide the opportunity for students to get to know the fifteen participating institutions in-depth and at their own pace. To register, please click on this image.

New York University (NYU): Virtual Information Session

Admissions Counsellors will walk you through the admissions process, your academic options and the NYU student experience. Plus, student ambassadors will be available to answer your questions in a live Q&A. To register, please click on this image.

Présentation: Affectation au lycée en France + procédures Affelnet

Lors de cette présentation destinée aux parents et élèves de 3ème, Mme Assouad et M. Guarneri aborderont les modalités d’affectation au lycée pour les élèves amenés à poursuivre leur scolarité dans un lycée en France à la prochaine rentrée scolaire (année 2023/2024). Pour le lien pour se connecter à la rencontre, veuillez cliquer sur l'image.

Visite au LFI – EDHEC Business School

Pour visionner la présentation sur le BBA de l'EDHEC par M. Ferro, responsables des admissions internationales, veuillez cliquer sur l'image.